a literary journal

Editorial Team

Editorial Team 2023/2024

Ben Blackwell

Journal Director

I’m Ben and in my final year of completing a BA in English and Creative Writing. I have been part of Enigma since my first year at university and still loving it. My favourite writers include Raymond Carver, Virginia Woolf, and Toni Morrison. My own stories have published in the Everyday Magazine, Reverie Magazine, and Enigma Journal.

Yoshi Ortiz

Print Director

I’m a third year English and Creative Writing student. I joined Enigma because I’m interested in producing a print version of Exeter Enigma that we would all be proud of. I mostly write short stories in what I like to think is surrealism/magical realism.

Talia Bunting

Social Media Manager & Fiction Editor

Hey, I'm Talia, a second year liberal arts student with a major in English. I wanted to be an editor because I love creative writing and I think one of the best ways someone can improve their own skills is through reading and editing other people's writing. I also enjoy running Enigma's Instagram and finding the best ways to represent the amazing pieces people have written. Genres I particularly enjoy reading are fantasy, sci fi and gothic horror. Also anything with an element of mystery to it is a lot of fun. I read because being immersed in a good book can take you literally anywhere, and it's fun to escape from the monotony of everyday life and chores and deadlines for a bit.

Catherine Hurcombe

Head of Fiction

Hi, I’m Catherine, I’m a final year English and Classical Studies student, and head fiction editor! Unsurprisingly, I love reading, particularly sci-fi and fantasy, and some of my favourite authors are Erin Morgenstern, Natalie Haynes, and Robin Hobb, although I’m always open to suggestions from other genres. One of my favourite parts of being an editor is getting to read so many different authors, and helping people feel more confident in their work so they can share it with more people. When I have the time, I love to write my own stories – usually fantasy or magical realism. If I’m not reading and writing, I can usually be found singing opera, or just drinking a nice cup of tea.

Sofie Drew

Head of Poetry

I’m a second year, studying English Literature and Classical Studies - two topics I find frequently intertwine and that I love to find connections between. I really enjoy quite surreal writing, especially dealing with themes of madness, mania and blurriness between reality and delusion. So far I’ve written and helped produce two audio dramas with the BBC, and I hope to continue to explore different ways of presenting and sharing writing - especially poetry. Some of the writers that inspire me the most are Haruki Murakami, Sylvia Plath and Anne Carson, and some of my favourite pieces of writing are Jack Kerouac’s ‘On the Road’ and Ernest Hemingway’s short stories.

Rachel Bulman

Head of Script

This is my third and final year at Exeter, and first as script head. Let's make it a great year for this unique creative form! Scriptwriting is a great way to practice dialogue and pacing, and break through a writing slump. I can't wait to read your pieces over the year, both practised and amateur alike! Happy writing!

Daisy Finch

Head of Non-Fiction

Hello, I’m Daisy, a third-year BA Art History with Maths student and this year’s head of non-fiction! I’ve always loved reading but university has taught me a deep love for writing, especially essays that reflect our day-to-day life. It was a dream to be picked to head the non-fiction section and learn more about writing, editing and sharing pieces that inspire other people to get involved with the section and find their place at Enigma.

Isabel London

Fiction Editor

As a long time lover of fiction, I wanted to fit reading back into my busy schedule. I am in my third year of law, so I have plenty to read, but I wanted to do something more creative. I have enjoyed being on the Enigma editorial team because I’ve loved seeing the talent and creativity of other students, and been inspired to go back and work on my old projects. My ideal fiction piece is fantasy with a dash of romance, but I’ll read any genre if it can make me laugh!

Abigail Barrow

Fiction Editor

I admire the work and genius of J.R.R. Tolkien most of all, and would, unashamedly, consider myself a bit of a fanatic in his department. Dumas’s The Three Musketeers also has a special place in my heart. My interest in editing comes primarily from helping edit my friends’ fiction over the years before they upload them online, and the desire to support others, as well as myself, in their writing dreams, whatever those may be!

Mia Manton

Fiction Editor

I’m a third year English and Creative Writing student with a particular interest in horror, fantasy (particularly dark fantasy!), LGBTQIA+, and classics! If I’m not reading, writing, or drawing, you’ll probably see me around town looking for my next Jellycat.

I’ve been writing ever since I could hold a pen, and I’ve always found it so peculiar yet fascinating that 26 letters could make up so many words and mean so many different things. So, I’m excited to read and edit the 26-letter-jumble-of-words that create your amazing pieces this year.

Gabriella Chiu

Fiction Editor

I am in my third year doing Philosophy and Film. I love reading fiction because I think it is an opportunity to live a completely different life, to understand complex struggles that one might not necessarily need to overcome. Reading fiction has taught me the art of acceptance and understanding.

I enjoy reading books from every genre. Some of my favourites are Hamnet, the Secret History and Our Wives Under the Sea. I go to bookbag on a weekly basis and my red flag is that I firmly believe that I can read books quicker than I buy them.

Sarah Gould

Fiction Editor

Hi I’m Sarah! I’m a second year English and Creative Writing student. I’m really into dystopian fiction, with my favourite book being Brave New World by Aldous Huxley, but I’ll never say no to a good chick flick!

I have always been interested in editing. Even when I was young, I was looking out for mistakes in published fiction. It’s been a dream of mine to be an editor and I’m so excited to be on the Enigma team! My favourite genre of fiction is dystopian, having grown up on the Hunger Games, however I also adore a chick flick. Anything by Sophie Kinsella!

Jack Tickner

Fiction Editor

Hi, I’m Jack and I’m a third year English and Creative Writing student. I have loved fiction for as long as I can remember, with a specific interest in fantasy. I grew up reading the Percy Jackson and Mortal Instruments series, and have most recently finished Priory of the Orange Tree. As someone who’s followed the journal for the last two years, I’m so excited to be part of the team this year!

Amber Platel

Fiction Editor

Hi, I'm Amber Platel and I'm a second year English and Creative Writing student. I find the whole writing process to be interesting, but I am drawn to editing because I think that is truly where the magic happens, and a piece becomes whole. I love literature as a means of escapism, and most often read and write magical realism, but I am also partial to a book where nothing really happens!

Katherine Gilbert

Fiction Editor

Nothing is more strange and exciting than having someone read and comment on something you've written, especially if they're a fellow writer. Being able to give people that experience is why I love editing. My own works tend to be novels, and I write in varying genres - but always with at least a pinch of supernatural or fantasy. I love personal stories in extraordinary settings. Conlanging - the creation of languages a la Tolkien - is my strange interest, whether that means creating a totally original language, an alternate course of real-world evolution, or a fictional English dialect. This comes through in my writing. When exploring fantastical settings with the written word, sticking solely to plain Modern English is a missed opportunity, I say!

Thomas Tran

Fiction Editor

Howdy! I’m Thomas Tran (he/they), but I sometimes go by Jib! I draw and write, and I enjoy reading anything with surrealism or magic mixed in. To me, writing is about making something that has never existed before. Nobody has felt the same emotions that you have, not exactly. Having them find their way into stories helps us understand ourselves and each other, just a little more. I’m glad to be part of this team and to be able to see everyone’s work! Keep on getting lost (in the moment, in your mind, in someone’s company, whatever).

Lauren Walsh

Fiction Editor

Hi, I’m Lauren, a second year Liberal Arts student. My major is English literature, and I also take modules of German and Geography. I’m an avid reader and my favourite genres are sci-fi and fantasy, and murder mysteries (in particular, the books of Brandon Sanderson for fantasy, and Agatha Christie for murder mysteries) I’m hoping to work in publishing in the future and am excited to get experience editing fiction writing for Enigma this year.

Nigella Kym Marx

Fiction Editor

I'll read or write just about anything, but fantasy and fiction will always come out on top for me. I'll read anything set in a world unlike our own, classical or contemporary. To give an example, I'm currently making my way through both "The Hobbit" and "The Night Circus" whenever I find the time. As an editor, I'm excited to read a wide variety of pieces and help other writers out wherever I can!

Elizabeth Greenwood-Spicer

Fiction Editor

Much of my editorial passion comes from editing my own work (when it comes to my own writing, I can be a little mercenary), but editing the work of others is a uniquely satisfying curatorial experience: it’s a real privilege to read someone else’s work and polish it, especially since stories are often very personal to their writers. I specialise in SFF and horror, alongside children’s literature of various genres and age-groups, and when it comes to submissions that catch my eye, I look for compelling characterisation, distinct authorial voices that grab me from the beginning, and fresh takes on tired tropes and narratives. Currently, my favourite books and series include Kristen Britain’s Green Rider, Terry Pratchett’s Discworld, Sharon Shinn’s Twelve Houses series, and Mercedes Lackey’s Heralds of Valdemar. As well as being a trained structural, line and copyeditor, I write long-form fiction, and I’m a competitive sabre fencer – I’ve been a part of the university Fencing Club since my first year, and they haven’t managed to get rid of me quite yet. It’s fulfilling from both a professional and an artistic perspective to be able to edit different authors and pieces, especially since no two people interpret a theme the same way, and I can’t wait to see what the storytellers of Exeter come up with this year!

Mia Bromley

Fiction & Script Editor

I'm Mia and I'm in my first year studying English. Writing fiction is something I love to do in my spare time as well as read all different types of prose and poetry. Some of my many favourite works include Rebecca by Daphne du Maurier, literally anything by the Brontë sisters, and Tomorrow and Tomorrow and Tomorrow by Gabrielle Zevin. I am incredibly excited for the journey ahead working with Enigma. In the past, I’ve been Deputy Editor-In-Chief to a student led newspaper, as well as an independent theatre director with my own original scripts. I have also been on various committees and elected Vice President of my student union. Outside of academics I tutor and mentor students, play and listen to music, and eat pasta in large quantities.

Ella Geraghty

Fiction & Non-Fiction Editor

I’m Ella and I’m currently in the second year of my PhD which investigates approaches to mental health and trauma responses in contemporary romance fiction. I am hugely passionate about genre fiction, especially when written by marginalised voices, and hope to see some exciting pieces this year. If I’m not reading, writing or attempting to timetable my studies, I’m either baking or deep in a horror movie/Lord Of The Rings marathon.

Zander Crofts

Poetry Editor

What I find most fascinating in writing is the strange and enormous qualities provided by engineered plots and worlds, from the dystopian to the poetic and romantic. I value literature that thwarts, and my own writing usually pertains to imagined and cognitive worlds. I also enjoy mythical narratives, and other ways of imagining, or narrating in tales and allegories. My current favourite books include works such as Nabokov’s ‘Lolita’ and ‘Pale Fire’, Zürn’s ‘The Trumpets of Jericho’, and poetic works from Poe and Fiona Benson.

Erin Ward

Poetry Editor

I’ve written poetry for as long as I can remember, and I enjoy a lot of modern and spoken word poets, such as Blythe Baird and Hieu Minh Nguyen. I read a lot of fiction as well, and a particular favourite author of mine would be Virginia Woolf, as I adore how she tells stories, focusing in detail on the emotions and inner thoughts of characters. When I’m not reading or writing, I can often be found crocheting anything and everything you can think of.

Matthew Aaronson

Poetry Editor

I love fantasy and how it can present life in a more magical way. I write mainly short stories, and my latest one shoehorns in a fairy in a mundane setting, as a metaphor for how otherworldly the character is. I joined Enigma because I like the collaborative side of writing. When editing I focus on building on the positives to help the writer develop more of their vision onto the page. Also, I’m always up for a chat! I’m a big nerd when it comes to writing.

Tabitha John

Poetry Editor

Hi my name is Tabitha and I am a poetry editor! I am a third year and I study Classical Studies. My friends would probably describe me as all rhyme and no reason and my favourite poem is The Love Song of J Alfred Prufrock.

Alexa Stevens

Poetry & Non-Fiction Editor

Third Year English Student from Australia, enjoys writing poetry and long walks on the beach. Poetry and Non-fiction editor for Enigma 2023/4! Fantasy reader and avid Goodreads user.

Tom Davies

Poetry Editor

I've read and written creative writing since I was young, so I was drawn to Enigma as soon as I heard about it. I submitted some pieces last year and I thought it would be a great opportunity to edit this year. I find poetry particularly fascinating; it's such a great way of expressing emotion and philosophy. I used to write mainly prose but I've really enjoyed writing poetry since I first started exploring the mode. I'm also particularly interested in how meaning and language are constructed through the medium of song lyrics. My favourite contemporary lyricist - and writer - is folk singer-songwriter Richard Dawson. He's perhaps my biggest inspiration. 

Lana Danzeisen

Poetry Editor

I am an MA Publishing student from Burbank, California, but have lived in Santa Barbara for the past five years while getting my film degree from UCSB. My passion is poetry, so I am thrilled to be one of the Poetry Editors for this academic year. Aside from writing poetry, I enjoy disc golfing, black and white photography, and iced chai tea lattes. You can find me at Sunset Society in Exeter on most days of the week.

Aditi Sandhya

Poetry Editor

Hi! I’m Aditi; currently pursuing my MA in Creative Writing. My aim in both studying and contributing to the field of Literature is, to write everything I might not get a chance to read. To write words is a gift indeed and when they are written in a way never before; the feeling experienced is more than just vanity. It’s the feeling of sublime literary satisfaction and the assurance of having contributed something to the eternal field of Literature. Reading and Writing form the pedestal on which my thoughts about the Editorial Process ponder. It’s better to be on both sides of the table; especially in a field as niche as Creative Writing; where being strategic is highly underrated but subtly held in the highest regard. It’s my honour to be one of the editors of this year’s ENIGMA team 2023-24; especially as a Poetry Editor; a subject, about which I am so selfishly secretive. I think that Poetry is best learned when read and felt and being a soft romantic; it’s assertively obvious that I see Poetry in the Wordsworthian way. It feels almost surreal to read other poets' work as they are threads of association which both editors and readers stumble upon. I’m highly excited and eager to be proven right about my belief that everything is connected in this world and beyond, even if it’s a small snippet of poetry or pages full of canto poems.

Ella Jackson-Drexler

Poetry Editor

Hello! I am Ella and I am a first year MSci applied psychology (clinical) student. As someone who holds topics relating to both the sciences and the humanities near and dear to her heart, in my own work I gravitate towards themes and subjects encompassing and often focusing on the captivating union of these arguably intertwined subjects. I love descriptive and narrative essays, feminist poetry and creative non-fiction. Some of my favourite poets include Warsan Shire, Audre Lorde, Carol Ann Duffy and Anne Carson.

Aly Hutchinson

Poetry Editor

I’m an English student currently in my third year. I like to read poetry that explores human connection; taking the time to dial back on floral language and instead capture the reader in an accessible and almost nostalgic manner. I enjoy literature that is laid back, placing real people at the centre, and celebrating the weirdness we can find in everyday life. My favourite examples of this would be anything by Christopher Isherwood and in terms of poetry, Edwin Morgan always does this well.  

Zoe McBrown

Poetry & Non-Fiction Editor

Hi! I'm Zoe, and I'm a third year English and Creative Writing student. I also do crochet, though I can't say I'm good at it. I'm interested in all genres and styles, but I especially love stories with historical and scientific elements. Weirdly enough, I don't read nearly as much as you might expect, but I do love creative writing. I was drawn to editing because I love writing, and giving and receiving feedback is a big part of that. I always look forward to reading work from different voices.

Ana Anajuba

Script Editor

I am a fourth year English and French student with a deep appreciation for the arts. As an avid writer and performer, my role as script editor at Enigma enables me to combine my enjoyment of both into one output. I am open to any style of writing as long as it has an interesting premise and/or well fleshed out characters.

Editorial Team 2022/2023

Mercedes-Georgia Mayes

Journal Director

I’m Mercedes and I’m currently completing an MA in Creative Writing. I write prose and game narrative, with a preference for short stories in the Magical Realist style! As a writer, I love to explore the magical in the mundane, bringing to the fore the significance of our little rituals as human beings. For my story Liminal Life, I was nominated for the PEN/Robert J. Dau Short Story Prize for Emerging Writers in 2022, which focussed on those little moments as a reflection of mental health. As an editor, I love the process of working with writers to develop their stories, helping to build their confidence and make their work as impactful as it can be. Bouncing ideas back and forth is one of the most helpful things writers can do to progress, and I especially love to work with writers who have a different style to me. I can’t wait to see what the print journal this year will look like!

Kadri Aston

Print Director

One thing I love just as much as writing is art and design, and I think they can go hand-in-hand beautifully. I am excited to see everyone's submissions for Exeter Enigma's visual media. I hope to be able to contribute some ideas for the new design of the Exeter Enigma journal and work with others to design the new edition.

Ben Blackwell

Assistant Fiction Editor

Hi, I’m Ben and I’m a second year English and Creative Writing student, as well as an assistant fiction editor. I enjoy editing because it exposes me to a wide scope of voices from many different writers with their own preferred subject matters, genres and writing techniques. In my spare time, I enjoy writing my own prose and reading. I have a particular fondness for the 19th century gothic, such as the stories of Edgar Allan Poe and Mary Shelley’s Frankenstein. I look forward to reading your fiction this year.

Molly Arabella-Kirk

Assistant Poetry Editor

Hi! I’m Molly Arabella Kirk, a postgraduate student studying MA Publishing. Poetry has been a lifeline for me for as long as I can remember and I am thrilled to be returning to the Enigma Editorial Team for another year running, as an Assistant Poetry Editor. Writing has provided me with a voice and a safe place to put down my thoughts and feelings. I feel I understand the world better through the scope of my writing. I wish to help others find their own unique voices whilst also fine tuning their work to best reflect them as individual authors. I look forward to reading through further submissions, discovering different styles and helping our Exeter community become a more creative and expressive place overall. My favourite poet is Sylvia Plath and I hope to find other poetic voices right here in Exeter whose pieces inspire me like hers do.

Ocean Tawiah

Poetry Editor

I'm a massive fan of fiction and poetry and love to procrastinate with a good story. My favourite book will always be 'Mrs Death Misses Death' by Salena Godden but a poetry anthology that I think everyone should read is 'Poor' by Caleb Femi. I'm really looking forward to reading your work and thank you for sharing!

Erin Ward

Poetry Editor

I’ve written poetry for as long as I can remember, and I enjoy a lot of modern and spoken word poets, such as Blythe Baird and Hieu Minh Nguyen. I read a lot of fiction as well, and a particular favourite author of mine would be Virginia Woolf, as I adore how she tells stories, focusing in detail on the emotions and inner thoughts of characters. When I’m not reading or writing, I can often be found crocheting anything and everything you can think of.

Matthew Aaronson

Poetry Editor

I love fantasy and how it can present life in a more magical way. I write mainly short stories, and my latest one shoehorns in a fairy into a mundane setting, as a metaphor for how otherworldly the character is. I joined Enigma because I like the collaborative side of writing. When editing I focus on building on the positives to help a writer develop more of their vision onto the page. Also, I’m always up for a chat! I am a big nerd when it comes to writing.

Anna Crosland

Poetry Editor

Hi! My name’s Anna and I am in third year studying English Literature. My favourite book has to be My Cousin Rachel because of the suspense and gothic undertones. I love the atmosphere Daphne Du Maurier creates and the ending really stunned me. I enjoy reading a range of books from more modern themes to gothic literature. I like doing my own creative writing in my spare time and have a writing blog where I post my work (even if some of it is more experimental and unedited). I would like to go into the publishing and editing industry in the future so reading and writing has become a real passion for me in the past year and I love the freedom and escapism it gives me. Outside of writing, I like cooking, yoga, watching Made in Chelsea and a bit of going out too. 

Zander Crofts

Poetry Editor

I’ve always found the world of writing fascinating, from larger works of prose to the contained hurricane of poetry. I’m always picking up on inspiration even outside the print to put into my own work, and with trying to form my own perception of various works, from loved novels like Lolita to more enigmatic works of poetry like Ted Hughes or Carol Ann Duffy. 

Catherine Hurcombe

Fiction Editor

I'm a second year English and Classical Studies student with a particular interest in science-fiction and fantasy. Obviously, I love books, but when I'm not reading, I can usually be found singing opera or drinking a lot of tea!

Sonny Welch

Fiction Editor

I'm a second year student here studying English and Communications. I'm very interested in writing and the last book I read was The Heart's Invisible Furies by John Boyne.

Jonty Jacknelle-Rees

Fiction Editor

I really enjoy reading science fiction and horror, especially when the two are combined. Recently, I loved William Gibson's Neuromancer, Stephen King's The Stand and Patrick Rothfuss' The Name of the Wind. I'm excited to be part of the Enigma team!

Sophie Blake

Fiction Editor

I'm an MA English Literary Studies student (so technically now 4th year?) and I guess for the quick short bio for the insta post: I love to read so many different genres but a recent favourite to delve into has been New Nature Writing, exploring authors' (often deeply moving) pasts through their memoirs alongside their thoughts on our relationship with the natural world.

Mia Manton

Fiction Editor

I love writing and reading anything to do with dark fantasy, horror, LGBTQIA+ or classics! You'll most likely see me prowling around Waterstones trying to find my next read and looking for my next Jellycat. 

Isabel London

Fiction Editor

My name is Isabel London and I'm in my second year.I'm a law student and a member of the university trampoline club. Reading and writing fiction is a hobby of mine and I have a particular soft spot for Korean online fantasy novels and webtoons (niche and random, I know).

Abigail Barrow

Fiction Editor

I’m Abigail, and I’m a second-year English and Creative Writing student. Writing my own fiction is constantly at the forefront of my mind. I write and find comfort particularly in fantasy stories set in worlds I can imagine I’m in for a moment of escape, and stories about family, friendship, and the often-forgotten beauty of platonic love. I admire the work and pure genius of J.R.R. Tolkien most of all, and would, unashamedly, consider myself a bit of a fanatic in his department. Dumas’s The Three Musketeers also has a special place in my heart. My interest in editing comes primarily from helping edit my friends’ fiction over the years before they upload them online, and the desire to support others, as well as myself, in their writing dreams, whatever those may be!

Rachel Bulman

Fiction & Script Editor

Hi, my name is Rachel (she/her) and I'm a second year English and Creative Writing student. By way of introduction, my favourite day of the week is Sunday. A usual Sunday will find me enjoying a swim at Dawlish Warren with the Open Water Swimming Society in the morning, rehearsing the Classic Society play in the afternoon, and topping the day off with a cosy evening reading or watching a movie. And the rest of the week is pretty good too! I've been writing for years; from poetry to prose to awkward autobiographical statements like this one. Whatever it is, I love writing and being able to share it with others. I can't wait to read your pieces this year.

 Editorial Team 2021/2022

Sylvie Lewis

Journal Director

I’m Sylvie, a third-year English student. I write both poetry and prose, though this year so far I’ve predominantly enjoyed writing longer-form poems. My favourite writer is Virginia Woolf, and I also love Charlotte Brontë and Elizabeth Barrett Browning. Generally I’m drawn to modernist and Victorian literature, although I’ve recently adored reading the poetry of Jane Kenyon. This year, I’m very excited for the release of the print journal, to see how writers have responded to this year’s six set themes, and for the newly added interview section, Conversational Portraits. Enigma entries that tend to stand out to me are ones which pay close attention to (often peculiar) detail; the oddly specific is one of my favourite things in writing! Plus anything involving mythological or fairy tale retelling is likely to grab my attention.

Imogen Love

Assistant Fiction Editor

Hi! I'm Imogen and I'm a third-year English student. I have been drawn to all forms of storytelling since I can remember – you'll usually find me reading any novel I can get my hands on, obsessing over a TV show or film, or writing my own fiction. The stories I enjoy most are character-focused, especially when the narrative draws you into a character’s unique mindset, revealing their private thoughts and observations. Whilst studying creative writing modules at Exeter, I developed a love for short stories – my favourite writer is Katherine Mansfield, and I especially admire short fiction that perfectly captures a fleeting moment and develops it into a compelling narrative. I also love editing and find some (admittedly nerdy) enjoyment from proofreading! Although it has the bonus of making me a better writer, I mostly find value in editing because I get to be a part of developing someone’s writing and helping their voice to shine. Writing can feel personal and isolating, but submitting to Enigma makes it a much more collaborative, exciting, and supportive process. I hope you'll get involved, and I look forward to reading your submissions!

Blakeney Clark

Poetry Editor

Hi, I'm Blakeney and I'm in my third year studying English Literature! Very excited to be a part of the Enigma team, and I always love reading the poems that are sent in. I'm very much an anything-and-everything reader but in general I think my favourite genres are fantasy, historical fiction and children's literature. Especially if afore-said children's literature is illustrated which is kind of my ultimate weakness. I love to write too but that mainly involves planning and thinking about what I'm going to write rather than actually putting pen to paper which is kind of a problem. It's why I love this journal though and why I find all the writers who are sending things in so incredibly inspiring.

Henry Hood

Fiction Editor and Print Director

I’m a third-year English student doing my creative writing dissertation on dream writing. I can often be found in a coffee shop telling people to read Kazuo Ishiguro’s Never Let Me Go.

Lisa Greghi

Assistant Poetry Editor

I am a third-year English student working towards a creative writing dissertation. I love books and also have a bookish YT channel, and the last book I read was To Paradise by Hanya Yanagihara.

Molly Arabella Kirk

Poetry Editor

Hi, I’m Molly Arabella Kirk, a final year Law LLB student. Poetry has been a lifeline for me for as long as I can remember and I am thrilled to have been selected as a poetry editor for Enigma. Writing has provided me with a voice and a safe place to put down my thoughts and feelings. I feel I understand the world better through my writing. I wish to help others find their own unique voices whilst also fine tuning their work to best reflect them as individual authors. I look forward to reading through further submissions, discovering different styles and helping our Exeter community become a more creative and expressive place overall. My favourite poet is Sylvia Plath and I hope to find other poetic voices right here in Exeter whose pieces inspire me like hers do.

Aislinn Nolan

Poetry Editor

I’m a third-year English student, and a second year Poetry Editor. I’ve always known I wanted to pursue a career in publishing, particularly as an editor. After some initial hesitation in my first year, I took a module on creative writing, which drew me back into writing and cemented my interest in poetry. Before that, most of my experience with poetry was the typical angsty teen writing, and I’m glad I took the chance to rediscover what poetry meant to me, and to explore all that it could offer. When I walk into a bookstore, I tend to veer towards the same sections to find my latest haul. In poetry, I am the opposite. I love how much form can be manipulated to different effects, the choice in diction, rhyme, punctuation, and every small detail changing the way the poem is read and understood. It is a very rewarding experience to work alongside my peers towards publication, and I love the accessible online creative community Enigma creates.

Georgia Charlwood

Fiction Editor

I’m Georgia, a fourth year English student. The combination of my tendency towards a visual interpretation of the world and my dyslexia means that I always try to make every word count, both when I’m reading and writing. I soak up inspiration in all different types of stories - I love the way Virginia Woolf finds a beauty in the ordinary, sensory experience, and the tangible magic in the pages of Isabelle Allende’s novels. I am currently working on my final year creative writing dissertation, taking inspiration from my year living in Seville. I want to capture the smells, sights and sounds of the city, and the unique voices of the people of different nationalities that I encountered. Despite shying away from it as a teenager, I have recently started to write more poetry, and the notes on my phone are full of random scribblings and observations. No two people see the world the same way, and so I believe that everyone has a story to tell.

Mercedes Mayes

Fiction Editor

My name is Mercedes, I am currently completing an MA in Creative Writing on my journey to become a novelist and narrative designer. I have a great love for magical realist stories and translated fiction, with some of my favourite writers being Haruki Murakami and Mariana Enriquez. My goal is to tell LGBTQIA+ stories through the lens of magical realism and get to the heart of issues around mental health and self-identity in the digital age. I love workshopping projects with fellow writers and experimenting with different ways of telling stories, so having the chance to edit fiction for Enigma has been wonderful! I can’t wait to read more of your stories!

Catherine Hurcombe

Fiction Editor

Hi, I’m Catherine and I’m a first-year English and Classical Studies student, and I’m a fiction editor. What really got me into editing for the journal was my longstanding love-affair with books, which has led to my dream of going into publishing and wanting to help other people share the books they loved writing with people who will love reading them. I love finding new and different books to read, both for and outside of my degree, and enjoy writing my own prose and poetry in my spare time. I’m a particular fan of science-fiction and fantasy, although when it comes to the classics I have a real soft spot for Jane Austen and anything by the Brontës! When I’m not surrounded by books, I also sing classical and opera, and spend a lot of time playing animal crossing.

Becky Colyer

Nonfiction Editor

Hi, I’m Becky, and I am a second-year English student. What draws me to editing is the ability to read and engage with a wide variety of literature and media. The chance to discuss with the author and find out about their intentions and motivations as to why they have written what they have, is something I find interesting and personally illuminating. Not surprisingly, I love to read, and I particularly enjoy the works of Taylor Jenkins Reid, Kazuo Ishiguro, and Daphne du Maurier – and Rebecca by Du Maurier is one of my all-time favourite novels. I am particularly interested in the publishing and marketing industries and editing for Enigma has allowed me space to gain a small taster of what those industries are like. It is such an exciting and kaleidoscopic place to be and work.

Ocean Tawiah

Poetry Editor

I mostly enjoy reading poetry or books with poetic prose, so I really enjoy my position as Poetry Editor that lets me read new poems! My favourite book is Mrs Death Misses Death by Salena Godden which is about death and how we can value life. After reading it everything about life just seemed a little bit more precious and beautiful and now I'm constantly looking for more recommendations that will make me feel that way again. Right now I'm reading a book called Poor by Caleb Femi which is a mix of poetry and photography to reflect life in a North Peckham Estate. My dad grew up in those estates and my Nana still lives in them, so reading his work reminds me of all the stories I've heard about the estates and things I've experienced when I stayed with my Nana, which is nice in a sad way. Basically, if a book makes me feel something (even if that thing is sadness) it's instantly on my top 10 so don't worry if you think your submission is too sad / depressing, I'm here for that!

Harriet Cornwell

Fiction Editor

Hi, I’m Harriet. I’m a third-year English student and this is my second year editing for Enigma. Last year I was a poetry editor, but this year I’ve switched to fiction (although I still do some poetry). I find editing a very therapeutic and enjoyable part of writing, and love reading other people’s work. Although my creative writing dissertation and publishing module have me spending most of my time editing at the moment, I can’t get enough apparently. When reading novels, and other prose writing I’m drawn to long, detailed descriptions. I love really personal, introspective writing that brings about intense emotion for me as a reader, and allows me to relate to the piece on a deeper level. I look forward to reading everyone’s submissions!

Matt Aarsonson

Poetry Editor

Hi my name is Matt and I’m a first-year Creative Writing and English student. I am fascinated by the power of the imagination and how these fictional ideas can still have a very real power in our lives. My favourite thing about poetry is how it doesn’t have to follow writing convention and is often more direct and compact in its message. One of my favourite poets is Carol Ann Duffy, I like how her poetry is very readable and straightforward, but also has a lot of deeper meanings and rewards an active reader. I love that editing is a collaborative process and joined Enigma to work alongside other writers.

Sophie Blake

Fiction Editor

Hello! I’m Sophie, a third-year English student currently writing a dissertation in medieval literature. This is my second year now as a Fiction Editor for Enigma and I have really enjoyed being part of the team. It is so rewarding to help writers across the university introduce their short stories to the world, from the initial submission to the end publication online and in our summer print journal. I have always loved to write creatively and have had my poetry published with the journal in the past as well as online in young writers’ competitions. Recently, I have gotten into life writing and nature writing in order to escape from the demands of academia and improve my mental health. As an editor, I’m looking for originality, but more importantly a strong, authentic voice; the best advice given to me in my creative writing modules was to write what you care about. I look forward to reading your submissions!

Ben Blackwell

Fiction Editor

Hi, I’m Ben. I’m a first English and Creative Writing student and a fiction editor. As you can probably guess, I spend a lot of my free time reading and writing. I have previously written for other online magazines, such as The Everyday Magazine, but have never had the experience of editing someone else’s fiction, bar a few mates from home. What drew me to this role was the opportunity to gain an insight into other people’s minds and creative processes when cultivating their own fiction. Some of my favourite fiction includes Hosseini’s The Kite Runner, short stories by Edgar Allan Poe and Pullman’s Northern Lights trilogy. I look forward to editing your pieces over the course of this year.

Hannah Dow

Poetry Editor

Hi I’m Hannah, a first year English Literature student. My favourite part of literature is the study of it. I have a passion for picking texts apart and exploring how we give meaning to what we read. I’ll read just about anything but I do enjoy Horror and Romance! My favourite book is Mary Shelley’s Frankenstein as it was the first book that satisfied my ‘ardent curiosity’ for literature! I definitely romanticise my life through my degree as you’ll either find me writing or doing research on the steps of Reed Hall or with an over-priced coffee in a local café. As a poetry editor for Enigma, I look forward to reading all of your submissions and working with you to help your writing reach its full potential!

Emily Gaines

Fiction Editor

Hi, I'm Emily and I'm a third year international exchange student from Kenyon College in the U.S. At my home university I am majoring in English and Creative Writing, and I work on a student press there as well. I've loved reading and writing fiction ever since I taught myself to read at age 3 and I haven't looked back since. My greatest dream is to be able to support myself on my own writing so I can spend all of my time focusing on what I can offer to the amazing literary community that has shaped me my entire life. I also love editing as it lets me help others maximize the potential of their own writing. Last year I published my first short story in Voyage YA Literary Journal, and I'm currently in the process of querying agents for my young adult novel. I love reading all kinds of fiction and I look forward to working with the wonderful editorial team at Enigma to put together an amazing journal and highlight all the talent here at Exeter!

 Editorial Team 2020/2021

Hi, I’m Jess, a final year English student. I suppose I fit into the stereotype with my love of tea varieties, the smell of bookshops and the company of cats. My particular interest in literature resides in the anti-literary: the texts that deliberately seek to break convention, cultivate uncertainty and verge on the extremes of absurdity and even complete nonsensicality. My dissertation currently investigates the impact of the growing digital landscape on our individual sense of self, exploring representations of the shifting and distorted post-human identity within modern novels. As Journal Director, I look forward to working with other lovers of literature in bringing together a diverse range of voices across the Exeter university community.

Jessica White

Journal Director

My name is Abbie and I am a third year English Student. I am a Poetry Editor for ENIGMA and my love of editing stems not only from my passion for writing and its integral part in my everyday life, but also a passion for detail and nurturing creativity. As a poetry and fiction writer myself, I find all of my inspiration in what I read and how other writers encapsulate the world. Therefore, being an editor inspires me and enriches my own writing through reading the work of fellow writers. I especially adore the freedom of poetry and its utter limitlessness in exploring the human mind and emotions, with favourites of mine including Emily Dickinson and John Keats. I feel that ENIGMA is a fantastic opportunity for the collaboration of creative minds and the freedom of literary expression.

Abbie Walker

Print Director & Poetry Editor

I'm Susannah and I’m currently studying for a PhD in Mathematics, though I lead a double life. When I'm not writing code, I'm writing fiction. I have completed 8 novels in the last 7 years, miscellaneous short stories and poems, and a hoard of maths problems.

In submissions, I'm looking for conflict, character and the little details that make the work come alive. I'm also keen to help writers who are looking to develop their skills. Learning is as important as publishing and I hope as a team, ENIGMA can provide specific feedback for writers who want to improve and see their work in print.

Susannah Hearn

Fiction Editor

Hi, I’m Sophie, a second-year English student. Literature has been an integral part of my life since an early age, from enchanting storybooks to breathtaking novels. You’ll usually hear me rambling on about the latest series I’ve read or film I’ve seen! I particularly enjoy stories with rich narratives and authentic characters, the kind which simultaneously welcome you with the familiar yet brew with mystery and intrigue. Outside of my studies, I have always enjoyed writing creatively and was delighted to have my poetry published in the first print journal last year. Now, as a fiction editor, I’m excited to begin looking for talented writers and helping them to introduce their work to the world. I hope in the future to work in the publishing industry or to one day write for a living.

Sophie Blake

Fiction Editor

Hello, I’m Anna, a first year Liberal Arts student majoring in English. What draws me to fiction is the opportunity to delve into new worlds; to be taken on a journey as the writer’s imagination is let loose. Reading can act both as a form of escapism, as well as a reflection of reality, exploring issues that resonate with us even if they’re set in places we may not recognise. Being transported into the minds of carefully constructed characters and their stories is magical - it’s no wonder I love both reading and writing. Whether it be writing my own stories or reading those of others, exploring fiction is always exciting and fulfilling. Learning about other worlds helps us understand more about our own. Poignant moments from texts we love often stay with us, shaping who we are far into the future. I can’t wait to see what you have to share and look forward to reading your submissions!

Anna Young

Fiction Editor

My name is Sylvie and I’m a second year English student. I am interested in the editing and publishing process because of how it turns creative writing from an isolated act to a social, collaborative project. I’ve edited for Riptide Journal and my writing has been shortlisted for the Bridport prize, and featured in publications such as MadWomxn Magazine, as well as a recent health conference held by the university. My favourite novelists include Virginia Woolf, Charlotte Brontë and Clarice Lispector, and among my favourite short story writers are Truman Capote and Margaret Atwood. I’m fascinated by prose that unravels the relationship between the public and private self, and I admire stories that strike a balance between humour and heart.

Sylvie Lewis

Assistant Editor

Hi, I’m Harriet. I’m a second year English student, not surprisingly with a love for reading and creative writing. I find editing the most enjoyable part of writing, whether it’s poetry or fiction, and love reading other people’s work. I particularly enjoy nature poetry, and when it comes to novels I’m drawn to long, detailed descriptions. I like the intense emotion of poetry along with the freedom and diversity the form brings, so I look forward to reading and editing a broad range of writing!

Harriet Cornwell

Poetry Editor

Hi, I’m Aislinn, a second year English student who (despite the workload) is still looking for more to read on the daily. While the notes app can be full of all kinds of hidden gems (be it grocery lists or the first draft of a poem you wish you’d deleted by now), mine includes a page entirely filled with random ideas for a later poem. They may come from conversations, or morning daydreams with a cup of coffee. Some of my best notes come from reading others’ work and exploring what human experience I share with a stranger through their insight of a moment, feeling or concept. Just a singular word choice can send my mind running for all the alternatives that could’ve been, and the creative possibilities I could develop with my own experiences and interpretation. Going to a university abroad has only heightened my interest in how our creative voices vary. While I’ve learned from online learning the difficulty of curling up with a good book when said book is on your laptop, it’s also shown me just how important an online creative community like Enigma is.

Aislinn Nolan

Poetry Editor

If I were to become a brand, this would be my tagline, ‘I write my own story, because well, I love to write.’ I am Vibhuti, currently doing my master's in creative writing and hoarding inspirations every day to create something that might move my readers. I am a former copywriter and have written professionally for brands while stirring up their brand story and voice. This journey of writing began with my love of poetry, with an intense urge to create something of my own. I do have a published poem in an anthology (paperback), and I am also planning to do my dissertation in poetry. There are a few tips that I learned in my poetry class, which would be; try to create contrasting images in your poem, a poem does not necessarily have to rhyme, a poem should have all - image, shape, and music to it.

Vibhuti Verma

Assistant Editor

Poetry has been a massive part of my life for as long as I can remember, which is why I’m so delighted to have been selected as a Poetry Editor for ENIGMA. I try to read widely, but I’m mostly researching contemporary poetry and prose-poems for my creative writing dissertation at the moment. I’m looking forward to reading the submissions that come in, looking closely at both their structure and style, and having good discussions as to what makes poetry tick. My favourite poets include W H Auden, William Blake, John Cooper Clarke, Billy Collins, and Sarah Kay, (far from an exhaustive list!) but I cannot wait to find more fantastic poetic voices in ENIGMA.

Sebastian Lewis

Poetry Editor

Hi, my name is Isobel but you can call me Izzy. I am in my third and final year of studying English Literature where I have specialised in Virginia Woolf and modernism. I have always loved reading, writing and all things English, and more recently, this love has grown into a passion and interest for the non-fiction form in particular. This love has grown through writing a non-fiction piece of Life Writing for my Creative Writing Dissertation and writing opinion pieces for multiple online platforms in my spare time. The way in which emotion and purpose can be portrayed in such an honest and authentic manner fascinates and thrills me. I’m very excited to foster this passion for non-fiction pieces through reading and editing your brilliant submissions, and I’m very grateful to Enigma for giving me this great opportunity.

Isobel Warner

Print Assistant & Non-Fiction Editor

Hi, I'm Bamboo, a 21-year-old who spends most of her days on a cosy, plant-filled window seat that overlooks Weybridge, Surrey. What is she doing there? As a Business Economics student, I am undertaking an industrial placement in the consumer healthcare industry during the day, seeking creative opportunities — from writing to web design. Industrial placement aside, I write short stories, crochet chunky blankets and practise funky handstands. My hobbies, Vietnamese-American family, Portland, Oregon roots and wild, lucid dreams inspire most of my stories. As Non-Fiction Editor, I look forward to helping others discover their writing interests and voices.

Bamboo Trinh

Assistant Editor & Social Media Executive